The future's bright for football
fans, that's if you're a fan of flying android cameras and robot players that
you can control with your own body
If you thought that goal-line technology in football was as advanced
as the game could get, well imagine being able to remotely control your own
android footballer.
Because, if you are able to wait
about half a century, this unimaginable scenario could actually become a
This is according to HTC and
Futurizon's 'Future of Football' report which predicts how technology will
change the sport over the next 50 years.
While being able to control your own
android won't be a possibility any time soon, there are big changes which are
forecast to happen by as soon as 2020.
The time-line below predicts what
technological advancements could take place...
– Cameras routinely embedded in player kits:
The fabrics of players' kits will
have video capability and be better at keeping players comfortable.
– Ball impact sensors and accelerometers in football boots:
Would be used to measure every step
and also measure the strength and angle of impact with the ball, or another
player's leg. Could be used to help referees to decide if a player was guilty
of a foul.
– Referees get augmented reality tools:
Using active contact lenses,
referees should ideally be able to see the action from any angle and be able to
zoom in and out at will.
– Insect-like robots carry tiny cameras and follow players:
Miniature cameras will be carried by
flying insect-sized robots that follow players around to cover there every
– Real-time player and physiological data broadcast to coach:
Players could wear an electronic
tattoo layer that acts as to relay sensory and physiological data to coach, as
well as providing a video display platform.
– Robot football starts to become commonplace:
Human-like robots, or androids, will
be able to play football to some degree but won't be very advanced.
– Full strike and strategy simulation used in training:
Computer simulation of potential
strikes could be used as a tool while a coach discusses strategy and technique
with a player.
– Full sensory simulation lets fans feel as if they were playing:
Using the full sensory data,
simulated by the electronic tattoo layer worn by players, fans could pretend to
be that player, feeling what they feel.
– Virtual leagues with online gamers competing in ‘real’ games:
Using active skin and full
immersible displays, people would feel like actual players. Teams of gamers
would compete in virtual leagues and some teams could reach very high
performance levels if they play together regularly.
– Fans can remotely inhabit android players as if it’s them:
Older or less-able people would be
able to join in football via an android, and feel as if they were playing
Seriously how would Football looks like in the next 50yrs
Can this development really happen
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